Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And the potato is off to the races!

Mr. Potato was planted Sunday! We have several nice, tall green stalks coming up! I am really excited and so are Bubba and Sissa. I will keep you up to date and upload new pics soon!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bubba is still plugging along in his studies. I wish I had more specific learning stuff to share, but he is scattering his learning.

We are doing another Science project! We are growing potatoes from eyes! I am so excited!

This is Day 1. Mom cut the potato so that the eyes were in water to promote root growth. We are holding the potatoes up with staws.

Day 4: We have roots!

Day 5: Look at the roots we have! I can't wait to get our garden ready for planting!